InterNetivity -- The Pioneer in Information Outreach

databeacon - - The Analysis Engine for the Web

Create information relationships with databeacon



The web's pulling the whole world closer together.

Remember those pre-web days? Today, you'd be hard-pressed to find a successful organization that doesn't use the web to connect with suppliers, partners, customers and employees. Adding value to these relationships is fast becoming key to your continued business success.

The notion of Information Outreach is all about creating such information relationships. And this is precisely where InterNetivity and its award-winning databeacon (TM) come in.

We call databeacon an unparalleled multi-user data analysis solution.
You'll simply call it amazing

databeacon fulfills the needs of the Information Outreach marketplace. Nothing else comes close. Whether you are servicing customers, suppliers, partners or employees, delivering data analysis and reporting to your web-based audience has never been easier.

Scalable "billions served" architecture
Please all people, all the time

With databeacon, users easily perform client-side analysis of personalized data. No tutors or training sessions are required. databeacon's scalable architecture supports thousands of simultaneous users.

For big data volumes, the analysis can be performed on a variety of servers, including Microsoft OLE DB for OLAP compliant servers, Applix TM1, Informix MetaCube and QueryObject. Naturally, databeacon also supports HTTP tunneling so your existing security is not compromised. We're out to prove you can please all the people, all the time.

Scalable Ease of Use
Easy to get started. Easy to keep learning

The web is all about adoption rates. Instant adoption is possible through databeacon's unique interface. It makes initial entry easy for anyone, yet can grow to increasing complexity as the user's familiarity with the software grows. It turns novices into pros in no time. Feature sets and look-and-feel can be customized to suit particular audiences and their unique requirements.

Ease of Integration
Access, analyze and report from anywhere

With its support for a variety of data sources, including ASCII text, URLs, ODBC and others, databeacon can easily be added to existing environments.You'll be able to extend analysis and reporting capabilities both inside and outside corporate boundaries as far as you want.

What's more, databeacon is completely componentized, allowing for easy integration into a wide range of third-party applications.

The Best of Both Worlds
Clients and Administrators win

Using databeacon's graphical cube-building tool, dbPublish, administrators simply define the cubes and standard reports once, then publish the corresponding URL. Many of our customers have successfully deployed databeacon to their users without any formal training - a testament to its amazing ease of use.

Navigate through Data
Quickly and Effortlessly

There is simply no contest when it comes to databeacon's navigation facilities among web tools for analysis and reporting. databeacon combines the advantages of web deployment with a wide range of capabilities for data can be viewed in tables, bar charts, pie charts or line graphs.

Pop-up menus, screen tips, the customizable interface and award-winning online help makes users productive immediately. So productive, they'll have more time to show off what they've done to more people. (Hey, we can't hold back human pride.)

Users can drag-and-drop dimensions, pivot views and drill down on graphs or tables. Columns and rows can be sorted, hidden, combined into new categories and more. Administrators can enable users to drill down through to source data, meta data or other cubes. Basically, it can slice, dice, AND julienne.

Create and Share Reports
Easy does it

By simply saving a particular view, users and administrators can create reports that can then be revisited at a later time, sent to other users, or analyzed further. What could be easier?

Printing or Exporting Results
A Piece of Cake

An integrated PDF facility lets any web-based user print to virtually any printer, while views can be exported to Microsoft Excel and Word, or to HTML. Easy as pie.

Turn Data into Stronger Relationships
Find out just how easy it is

Take the next step towards creating information relationships with the people vital to the success of your business. Visit InterNetivity's demo section to see databeacon in action, or install the evaluation version.

The people in those important relationships will thank you. If it could, your data would thank you too.

How easy is it to add databeacon to my web site?
Dot-com your data at

Visit to see how you can easily add interactive analysis and reporting capabilities to your web site with the addition of a few lines of HTML. There's no software to install and no programming is required.

and turn your data from STATIC to DRAMATIC

Instead of merely looking at data in static HTML tables (such as stock portfolios, statistics, phone bills, invoices, or other numbers), your site visitors can graphically analyze their data, bringing an exciting new dimension to their online experience.

Greater visitor interaction naturally leads to increased visitor satisfaction. And, because there's no programming or setup required, webmasters can bring enhanced functionality to site visitors with very little effort.

See how simple it is for web sites to turn STATIC into DRAMATIC data.



This CD contains an evaluation copy of databeacon 4.11 (formerly called dbProbe) for Solaris:

Click Here for Automatic Installation.

  • To install databeacon for Solaris, execute the following program
  • sh beacon.bin
  • If you wish to install to a Web Server follow these next steps:
  • To install databeacon 4.11 on your Web Server you must change the default install path to your Web server's HTML document root directory. You must keep the last folder called reld. (e.g. if your Web server's HTML document root directory is /home/www/. Enter /home/www/reld as the default path
  • Then change to the reld folder and execute "./" at the command prompt to complete the Client/Web server installation

To download an evaluation version for any of these platforms, visit our web site.

  • Linux 2.0
  • HP-UX 10.20
  • Digital DEC-Alpha
  • Windows 95, 98, NT

The system requirements for UNIX are:

  • You must have Java 1.1 installed on your machine.

  • If you have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed, no changes are required.

  • If you do not have JDK installed on your machine, then you must install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). You can DOWNLOAD and install JRE 1.1 from the Sun Microsystems web site: Solaris:

Note: Read instructions for installing the JRE as you may have to apply some patches.

Other UNIX platforms:


You can turn an evaluation version of dbProbe into a licensed version by purchasing a runcode. For information on how to obtain a runcode, please send an e-mail to with the subject runcode.

Contact and Support

For more product information, more examples, and support visit our web site:

If you require support please contact us at

Standard telephone support is available at 613-729-4480. Support hours are 9.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), Monday to Friday excluding public Canadian holidays.


InterNetivity Inc.
1545 Carling Avenue
Suite 404
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1Z 8P9

Phone: (613) 729-4480

FAX: (613) 729-6711
